Life So Strong!

Voice Divine Add comments

…. “Not one of his bones will be broken,” (John 19:36b)

Life Divine, Life Undying (v.32-33)

1. Our Lord, though slaughtered, not one bone will break – The Old Testament foretold of His death in terms of when and how; His burial (Passover, crucifixion, bones not broken, buried with the rich etc). All things, came real !

2. Our Lord, rising from dead, conquered all – Bones not broken manifests His complete conquest over tribulations , symbolize His resurrection and immortality.

3. The steadfastness, faithfulness & perseverance of saints – Aren’t we all so vulnerable! When exposed to pressure, we feel like it’s the unbearable . Praise the Lord! By the power of His resurrection, we can stand firm.

This week – Let’s live by Him, nothing do we fear!

Scripture of the day: John 19:1-24 (New International Version)


* Unreserved Love (hymn in English) ?????

* That Day I Found You (hymn in Chinese) ?????? –

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