Restored Sound ?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
a bruised reed shall he not break …<12:20>

2 Rewards of following Jesus …Rest unto us, Mercy unto others :
1. Rest is everywhere?v.1…8?…With Jesus, every day is Sabbath / rest, every place is God’s Temple!
2. Showing mercy any time?v.9…14?…Are we aiming for our own interest & reputation, or we love men and God purely & serve for the truth ?

? Last week n our homegathering , Bro Kent fr Papua New Guinea & Chiu Kwok Shun ??? fr Toronto visited us. Kent has been running his restaurant in NG for 17 years, experienced earthquake, robbery…but he & his wife still strive to preach gospel & trust Jesus everyday. Recently a customer wanted to create trouble after drunken, Kent prayed in the kitchen. The Lord listened immediately — electricity stopped all of a suddeny ! All customers had to leave! Jesus is alive – even far away in New Guinea!

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