Speak to Me! Lead Me!

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… “Yes, Lord,” he answered. (Acts 9:10b)

Know yourself! Know the Lord! Know the Church!
1. Meet the Lord (v.1-9) – Recognise our sin, know that He lives & see meaning in life!
2. Meet your brother (v.10-19) – God can find use in any of His children & lead us onto the path of righteousness!
3. Meet all saints (v.26-31) – Grateful are we that God accepts all into His House, no matter how stone hearted & worthless we are.

Scripture of the day: Acts 9:1-19 (New International Version)


* Eric LIDDELL (???) , former Olympic Gold Medallist, Paris, 1924, faithful servant in preaching the gospel in China. During wartime, 1941, after settling his pregnant wife & two daughters back in homeland Canada, he returned to his ministry in China. LIDDELL died in a Japanese prison war camp, carrying with him his mother’s teaching “Those who love the Lord know no farewell!”

Click http://www.aboutbible.net/_C.html to read Biography in Chinese; or http://chi.gospelcom.net/GLIMPSEF/Glimpses/glmps161.shtml for English.

* Click http://www.goldenlampstand.org/lib/ws/ to reference over 2,000 outlines of sermons & devotionals, Golden Lampstand publishing. (Chinese)

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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