Rise up & Walk

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In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. (Acts 3:6b)

It is as if we own nothing, but in fact we possess all – as long as we:
1. Herald the Lord’s name (v.1-9)
2. Preach the Lord’s way (v.10-29)

Scripture of the Day: Acts 3:1-26 (New International Version)


*Ah Kiu (??) a sister from HK, married into a remote mountain area in China ,is serving minority tribes & churches. While waiting for birth of her baby in time of afflictions, she was inspired by Matthew 24:36. –” The Bible likens birth pain to the end of the age. We do not control the time of birth so we need to be ready to go to the hospital anytime. (my baby finally born on 17th). The Lord taught me to look to Him. Men is limited, but we can trust Him because He is faithful. In waiting, we have to be prepared as the hour can come any time. Like birth pain, the intensity increases each time. This is the sign of His return. Let’s all be prepared, preaching the gospel while it is still day. – In Him, Ah Kiu. 062008 , from China

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