Filled with Hope

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Salvation is found in no one else (Acts 4:12)

Focus of the Testimony – Our Victory is in the Name of the Lord!
1. Do we manifest His name through our serving God & man (v.5-14)
2. Do we suffer for His name when in afflctions & pain? (v.15-22)
3. Do we call on His name in our daily living & worship? (v.23-31)

Scripture of the day: Acts 4 (New International Version)


165 young people attend conference camp (1-4/July, HK), topic- “Royal Priesthood
in an Holy Nation”. will share :
1. Honourable Status
2. Noble Duty
3. Holy Living
4. Corporal Fellowship
Let’s pray for this new generation!

Song to Comfort – God is Love (Cantonese) –

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