Adore Him !

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… because God was with him. (Acts 10:38b)

Peter’s Message — The 3 Things that we Uplift :

1. Jesus’ ministry – Full of power of the Holy Spirit, He does good & heals . Do we also bring to others “the presence of God”? (v.38)

2. Jesus’ suffering – He died for sinners, being hanged on the tree. Do we forever cherish the cross as our pride? (v.39)

3. Jesus’ resurrection – He is the sole authority to judge & pardon the living &the dead! Do we treasure His precious name! (v.40-43)

Scripture of the day: Acts 10:24-48 (New International Version)


* My mother is over 80 years old now, sound in spirit. She came to the “Source of All Blessings” gospel meeting despite the rain. She was paying good attention & touched by the Holy Spirit. She was clear about Jesus & His salvation, responding to the altar call without hesitation. Glory to God on High! – Steven TANG (HK)

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