Filled with Joy

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… they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. (Acts 13:48b)

God-Pleased Church, God-Used Message
1. Church that prospers – gifts distinct among saints, new talents in force, all in one accord, prayerful & obedient, caring for gospel, visionary with ambition (v.1-3)

2. Message that blesses – simple & direct; manifesting Christ; testifying new life in Him, His forgiveness & justification; warning of judgment; preaching everlasting life (v. 16-47)

Scripture of the day: Acts 13:23-52 (New International Version)


“Caring For the Sick Ones at Home”, by Bro. Charles T.S. YU ??? & Sister YU, S.F. Leung, ????. The seminar testified their tender love for one another Sister YU was saved at the brink of death by God many times. One time, 4a.m. in the morning, Bro. YU was stirred from sleep, seeing Sister YU numb & stiff. Following her instruction, he quickly fed her with glucose. But he was only able to help her with a few drops while she remained jaws tight, eyes closed, limbs inconvulsion. Bro.YU whispered in her ears, “Fear not! Jesus will save you!”. At the very moment, Sister YU cleared her throat & resumed to swallow. If it was not for 5 minutes sooner, we might have lost her. Praise the Lord for His amazing grace! I learnt from them the lesson of faith in God. No matter how grave the danger, hold on to Him, He never gives up on anyone who turns to Him! – Debby (??/HK).

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