True is His Grace!

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… strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. (Acts 14:22a)

Testify His Word, Persist in Faith

1. entry to the Kingdom of God is tough – Despite Paul was almost stoned to death, he quickly got up again & winning many disciples. What a fine example of faith! (v.19-22)

2. be on your guard against false teachings – take heed not to yield to Satan’s oppression, not to fall into his temptations and tricks

Seeing that men wavering in faith, author of Hebrews counseled us to “hold firmly till the end he confidence we had at first.” (Heb 3:14b) Can we hold firmly to what we first believed in?

Scripture of the day: Acts 14 (New International Version)


* Church in HK celebrates harvest – 140+ will be baptized in His name! (July 19-20); Also 90+ young people to gospel camp, (July 20-23). Support in prayers!

* Bro. Choi Sit Kit (Calgary, Canada) called for prayer support. Gospel meeting in Calgary, (July 18, HK Time), he will share “Wisdom to Investin Eternal life .” -on Luke 12, Message –
1. possession not equal to life’s value;
2. God is our source of provisions;
3. eternal life awaits, don’t just care for this life
May God save many in Canada.

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