Joy of Giving

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…’It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35b)

Serving God, Serving Man – the 2 Fold Mentality of a Spiritual Man

1. I consider my life worth nothing to me (v.24) – If only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me

2. In everything I do, I set an example (v.35) – Follow Christ in His way of forsaking all: work hard, help the weak, count all things but loss.

Ony the example of Christ touches the hearts of all.

Scripture of the day: Acts 20:1-16 (New International Version)


* Happy Birthday? – Two days ago, I met a new friend. 15 years ago, on the birthday of his wife, he offered that whatever she wanted as birthday gift, he would bring it to her. Moved & touched, his wife said she wanted to go to church. No matter how utterly unwilling, in keeping his words, he went with her. Hallelujah! This was the beginning to their whole family being saved!

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