Create for Me a Clean Heart!

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“…and the goddess herself, who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty.” (Acts 19:27)

God’s Way Steady & Everlasting (v.23-41):

1. Idols enterprise generating fortunes – Do you worship idols made out of wood, stone, gold or silver? Do you admire movie stars, singers, millionaires, beauty, health, investors, gourmets, power & reputation?

2. Saints preaching “Jesus is Christ” – Idols enterprises suffered (v.24), count for nothing, lose its greatness (v.23-27) because someone preaches the truth!

3. Saints open the eyes of many – God’s greatness & glory are everlasting! Come worship Him forever!

Scripture of the Day: Acts 19:23-41 (New International Version)


* Alex LAM ( Toronto ) – “We once preached to family of Sister Sally (from HK) & invited them to pray in our home. In the recent Lord’s Day gospel meeting at the church in Toronto , Sally’s father raised his hand to commit to the Lord. Sally wept with joy, praising the Lord for hearing her prayers. After the meeting, Bros TONG and Bill CHIU further counseled them & led them to pray. Let’s pray to the Lord for His continual blessing in gaining Sally’s whole family.”

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