Lift Up Your Eyes!

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“… ‘Go; I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’ ” (Acts 22:21b)

Stand By to His Call — Ready to Go Far!

1. Men sees near & narrow — Only God sees far and holistic. His way higher than ours.

2. Jesus sees whole & discerns with judgment: Paul thought that his background &d experience positioned him to be the right person to testify among the Jews (v.19-20). However, the Lord’s will was otherwise, He sent Paul far to foreign lands !

3. Throughout history, the Lord ceased not in mobilizing His army — Paul accomplished his mission, spread the gospel far into Europe &d Asia, setting a fine model for future missionaries & expanding the ministry. Are we also willing to deny our own desire & obey His directions?

Scripture of the day: Acts 22 (New International Version)


* Church in HK – 155 were baptised, among whom the eldest is 84. Praise the Lord! Last week, one more committed to Christ, making it 156 & set the record age to 88! Hallelujah!

* Bro. S.E.TONG ???(HK) – Man Ho ??, my 5 year old son is raised in the House of God since birth. This Wednesday , 7pm, he will be treated with a surgery to correct the undescended testicle. This calls for injection & a general anaesthesia .Pls pray for God’s protection over him.
(Ark Note: The past 3 generations of TONG’s family are all faithful servants of God. May God continue to uphold them all ! )

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