My Counsel Stands

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The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! …(Acts 23:11a)

What Do We Need When Faint-hearted? (v.11)

1. His Appearance – Our all-victorious Lord who conquers death & perils – is always accompanying His faithful & obedient servants. (Ref: Matthew 28:20)

2. His promise – There are loads of reasons that cause us to agonize, to worry, to suffer! Take courage & hang on to His promise.

Are you confident that you are blessed with His assurance?

Scripture of the day: Acts 23 (New International Version)


* From a sister in HK -” In my meeting at Church in Richmond, Vancouver last week, I was grateful to witness & enjoy the Lord’s presence & the many new faces in the meeting. We surely need to pray for the people in Canada, who are living in comfort of the world. We need more to labour in the gospel ministry for this country. (Statistics shows that growth of Christian population in Canada is 0%, versus Muslim followers has grown 7% in the same period.)

* Surgery of little Man Ho, the 5 year old son of Bro. S.E. TONG should be this Wednesday, July , 30 (7pm) . Let’s all pray to our gracious God for His protection over him!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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