Jesus My Friend! Unlock My Grief!

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Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 28:31)

Unobstructed All the Way … With the Lord Always By Our Side…Till the End of Times:

1. No chains can bind His Word – Because of his chains, most of Paul’s brothers in the Lord so encouraged to speak the Word of God fearlessly. (Philippians 1:14)

2. Fruitful in years of bondage — Paul wrote the epistles of Ephesus, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon, in prison , broadcasting the Word of God wider, farther.

3. distribution of Bible is over hundred millions today — His Word is reaching out through a variety of media and establishing His dominion. Let’s join Him by being more diligent to listen & discern, act & preach His Words.

Scripture of the day: Acts 28 (New International Version)


* Pastor Morley S.C. LEE ??? has served God for 45 years. 11 years ago, clear about God’s calling him out of the comfort in Boston, he turned to northern Thailand to serve God. Being the only male descendantin family, LEE struggled in not wanting to leave his father at his old age of 90. Listen to the life-changing advice his father gave him…. (to be continued…)

* Good news in England -” I am in Leeds of UK finally. The weather is a bit cold here. I hope I am strong enough both spiritually & physically. I will preach 2 sessions tomorrow at Sunday Service (all age groups,around 40 people), teach in Sunday school and a retreat camp, church visits too. Take care! — In Jesus’ Love , Sister Mona.

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