In the Spirit!

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Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance? (Romans 2:4)

Take Heed, Don’t Ever Show Contempt Towards God! (v.4)

1. God is Gracious- If God ever disciplined us, it is truly His grace! If God ever sympathized us, it is truly His mercy!

2. God is Forgiving – To forgive is to forget,– “ceasefire”. There is a time for peace that God did not hold war against us. Do grasp this opportunity & surrender to God!

3. God is Patient – Our Lord’s patience means salvation. Although He has the power to save Himself, to destroy those who scroned Him, He endured with patience. Repent now, not later! Before He cast His hand on you!

Scripture of the day: Romans 2 (New International Version)


* Missionaries Matt & Lora HIGGENS had to spend the night out in the wild when returning to Nairobi, Kenya of Africa because their car broke down. Some time later, a new believer, a native inhabitant confessed to a preacher his intent of robbery. That night, he & his gang wanted to rob & kill the HIGGENS. However, they saw 16 people surrounding the car all night, keeping them away. In another instance, Higgens’ friend from far, Clay, asked the couple what they were doing the night of March 23. The same night, Clay & his fellow saints were urged by the Spirit to pray for Higgens. March 23 was the time they had to spend the night out in the wild. Higgens asked how many were in the prayer net. The answer ? 16 ! … from the book ‘Touch the World Through Prayer’ by Wesley L. DUEWEL.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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