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“… While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”(5:8)

The Book of Romans – Topical Sketch by Chapters (Part 3)

1. A righteous man changed by the Spirit – who finds God’s mercy in history (Roman 9)

2. He also finds God’s righteousness from history – God shows no partiality between Jews & Gentiles (Rom10)

3. Israelites’ history is a warning to him – not to boast over those “old branches”, be humble because of the grace received (Rom 11)

4 .Then, he is going to offer himself – serve in the church with his gifts (Rom 12)

Scripture of the day: Romans 5 (New International Version)


*William Borden, the successor of Borden Inc., had become a millionaire when graduated from high school. He met many poor people on his round-the-world trip, & was later called by Lord to share the gospel faraway. He wrote “No Reserve” on his Bible on that day. When he studied at Yale University, he busied with equipping himself & promoting prayer groups. At that time he graduated , 1,000 among the 1,300 elite students in Yale had joined their groups & became fervent for God. (To be continued )

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