Our Hearts – Four Laws!

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… but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23b)

The Inner World of a Christian – 4 Laws Working in us All at One Time:
1. Law of God – God is righteous & holy, He has a demand on us all ( 7:7)
2. Law of the Mind – our inward man does have a will to follow the Law of God ( 7:22)
3. Law of Sin – Any moment we wish to obey God, our flesh pulls us into sin ( 7:23)
4. Law of the Spirit of Life – The Spirit has the power- like a soaring rocket, surpassing the force of gravity & drives us forward! (8:2)

Scripture of the day: Romans 7 (New International Version)


* “How to Respond to the Love of God”, published by Chinese Christian Mission in Canada (?????), — story of Bro. X.Y. JING ???, previously Head of Engineering Faculty, HK University. The book recounts how God called him 50 years ago through Rom. 12:1. Founded upon solid faith, he ceases not in his pursuit as a disciple.

* from Bro.Chu Chi Yan (HK) –” Our ministry & meeting in Tai Wai district has a history of 26 years. We now face the challenge of lease termination & are being asked to move. Pls join us in prayer for His way & leading in our next step.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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