Blessed Assurance!

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…but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. (v.20)

Book of Romans – Topical Sketch by Chapter (Part 2)

5. Sinner is being Justified by Faith — Peace with God, Rejoicing in Him (Rom 5)

6. Sinner is Baptized into Christ — Born into Newness of Life, Living unto God (Rom 6)

7. Sinner is Saved by Grace — Yet torn between godly conscience & lust in flesh (Rom 7)

8. Sinner Experiences Freedom — Realizing Himself is child of God, Living by Great Hope of Glory through Life Giving Spirit (Rom 8)

Which chapter best describes our present condition?

Scripture of the day : Romans 4 (New International Version)


* the testimony of Evangelist Morley LEE used the story of Jesus giving sight to the blind (John 9) to encourage large batch of young people to serve God ! He recalled 50 years ago, 7 brothers ,
including Lee, responded to God’s calling. 50 years passed, he is the only one still serving God.
He reminds any servant of God –
1) guard a pure loving heart for God
2) be determined to stand by God’s side ,
3) well equipped with His teaching,
4) live a godly life in discipline,
5) strive the hardest to study His Word
(He said if he was given another 50 years, he would do his very best to study the Bible again!)

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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