To the Ends of the World!

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– the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, (v.12b)

Call on Him – Jesus Is Lord! Be touched in 3 ways:
1. His love is great & unchanging! — In all times, He holds out His hands to obstinate people. – God’s outstretched hands (Rom 10:21, Isaiah 65:2)

2. Paul’s broken heart — we also earnestly pray tfor our beloved to be saved. –(Rom10:1)

3. Our beautiful feet — beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! – (v.14-18)

Scripture of the day: Romans 10 (New International Version)


*In the Alarm No. 5 fire of Cornwall Court, HK, two brave firemen lost their lives in the fight against fatal blaze. Goodnews Communication International (GNCI) pays tribute to SIU Wing Fong & CHAN Siu Lung through release of “Ready! Anytime!”??????on the web. Station Officer NEE said throughout the years of operations as a firefighter, any minute the alarm rings, he rushes to fire scene without hesitation. Firefighter MING has been in & out of blazes many times, he deeply feels that life is unpredictable; faith in God is our only sure way that can take us forward.

Click HERE “Ready! Anytime!”??????to view:

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