Day Is Near!

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…. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. (v.11)

Masterpiece of The Holy Spirit in His Grace – Transformation of a Chief Sinner

Salvation here means redemption of our physical being on Jesus’ returns — transformation of our body to be like Christ. Bible points out salvation begins with our spirit, then our soul & lastly our body.

1. Believing in Him saves our spirit (Rom 10:9) – Holy Spirit dwells in our new-born spirit, giving life, delivering us from eternal death (2 Corinthians 1:10a)

2. Our soul is saved in this life (Philippians 2:12 —continue to work out your salvation with fear & trembling) – Once our spirit saved, the Holy Spirit transforms our soul (mind, emotion, will) … turning us from self-centered to God-centric.

3. Soon our body will be redeemed (Philippians 3:21, 1 John 3:2 When the Lord appears, our lowly bodies will be transformed — to be like His glorious body.) The Lord is at hand, put aside deeds of darkness (Rom13:12-13), obey the Holy Spirit, set our hope on His return to deliver us. (2 Corinthians 1:10b)

What a perfect salvation our Lord has set for us!

Scripture of the day: Romans 13 (New International Version)


* Great thanks to our Lord! Sister S.Y. NG improved slightly after 2 days’ of emergency treatment. Let’s continue to pray for her in critical condition. (Sister NG ??? grows in church since childhood, now 28 years old – From Sis. P.T. SZETO, HK)

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