Our Lord is Near!

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… He did this to make the riches of His glory known to the objects of His mercy, whom He
prepared in advance for glory— even us, whom he also called…” ( 9:23-24)

It All Depends on Our God of Mercy!

1. 3 aspects of the callings of God: – i. of riches of His glorious inheritance (Eph 1:18); ii. His call is heavenly (Heb 3:1); iii. call to a holy life (2 Tim1:9) — calls you into His kingdom & glory & be moulded into a glorious vessel in His hands! (1 Thessalonians 2:12)

2. We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God . (Acts 14:22) — it takes a lifetime to be crafted to become useful & valuable vessels in Him

3. No matter how harsh life is on us, the mercy of God conquers all! — in the process of pressing, jiggering, shaping, glazing, firing, polishing by a potter, don’t we feel distressed, agonized, humiliated, unbearable? Hallelujah! By the grace of God, we endure all !

Scripture of the day: Romans 9


* pray for 10 gospel meetings – Church in HK (Aug 24, 30, 31) — “do not be silent…For I am with you, and because I have many people in this city.” (Acts 18:9-10)

* Footprints – Pastor Johann Y.H. LAI ??? finished 10 days’ sermon on Nehemiah in HK. May the Lord bless his return to the States! ( 100,000 persons attended 26 meetings, 1,500 committed to serve in gospel / full time missions. Let’s pray for this new generation !

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