Trust Him , Waver Not!

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The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. (v.20)

Concluding Episode of Book of Romans – The Church Stands Forever, Glory to God Forever!

1. It’s all in Christ! — 24 names to greet! In the new life God remembers everyone of us ! 24 stories weaving into a great tale in Christ that crushes the Satan. (v. 3,7,8,9,10,11,12,20)

2. To the only wise God be glory — His gospel befalls the world! His word unfolds to all! (v.25-27) Amen! Amen!

Scripture of the day: Romans 16 (New International Version)


* -Mail from Norfolk, Virginia (US) –”In our visit to Richmond k, we learnt that little DouDou, the 18 months’ old daughter of Bro. Man Tat & Sister Man Ling in Maryland, was caught in a persisting fever & cramp. Helicopter rushed her to paediatrics hospital in Washington DC. Fever under control but left in unconsciousness. More than 10 specialists not able to diagnose!
Dear all, let us pray with faith & love for God’s healing with DouDou, comfort & peace to Man Tat & Man Ling. ( — From Bro. TSE Man Sang, US)

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