Thy Kingdom Come!

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… For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. (v.10)

All have to stand before God’s altar of judgement!

1. Vengeance is His — martyrs throughout history firmly believed God is the ultimate judge! He makes the wrong right, He punishes the evil. (Rev 6:9-11)

2. All men equal — That day, before the altar, all have to give an account of oneself to God. No excuse! No escape! (Rom 14:12)

3. Two trials — believer & non believer face trial of his own before God —

i. Right before millennium, we all appear before judgment seat of Christ, each receives what is due to him for the things done while in the body- good or bad. (2 Co 5:10). If what he has built survives, he receives reward. If burned up, himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames. (1 Co 3:14-15)

ii. Right after millennium, non believers will stand before great white throne & be judged. Whoever not found written in the book of life cast into lake of fire. (Rev 20:11-15)

4. Don’t judge or condemn — Make peace & edify one another (Rom 14:19-23); for we will be judged one day. (Rom 14:1-6,13-18)

Scripture of the day: Romans 14 (New International Version)


* Good news– “Great thanks to God! Sister S.Y. NG in critical condition last week has made a good turn. God works wonders. Mother of Sister NG gives praise to the Lord, thanking all caring saintsover the world. — from Sister P.T..(HK)

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