Boast in the Lord!

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…the message of the cross… to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (v.18)

The Absolute Wisdom in Church Life:
1. Seek for nothing — but preaching Christ & His gospel (1:17)
2. count on nothing — but His cross (1:18)
3. know nothing but — looking up to Christ (2:2)

All lies with the Wisdom of God, His Might & His Choice!
Simply humble yourself & collaborate with fellow saints to serve God in oneness!

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 1 (New International Version)


* Dear Brothers & Sisters, peace to you all! My father-in-law is seriously ill, I pray to God to allow him chance to hear the gospel. Praise the Lord for hearing my prayer! Despite rough weather of typhoon signal no 8, His angels visit my father-in-law in hospital. The sister bring great comfort to him, sharing with him the great truth, bringing him to accept the Lord in joy! Pls continue to pray for his firmness in faith & usefor His will! ( — from Sandy A. HK)

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