Be Renewed!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. <16.16>

Revealing the universal direction of life :
1. The gospel of Revelation (v.13-20) — eternal God has eternal plan, — build His House (church)!
2. The gospel of denying oneslef (v21-26) — being disciple only mean to lose everything. More is to deny yourself for the surpassing greatness of Christ!
3. The gospel of Glorious Return (v27-28) –Lord will return soon. Are we living with this hope always?

* Hong Kong New Life New Hope Crusade– today & tomorrow. Pls pray for thousands of saints, their friends, & preachers Bro Ip & Ching (30 / 31 Jan, HITEC, 3pm, HK time)
* Bro Ip came back from US , he used Psalm 103:5 this Sunday, to encourage us to work hard for the gospel – that people can receive blessings…who satisfies your desires with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s…

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