Invest Eternal!

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For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. (v.20)

Life is a show to the world – play it faithful, humble & meek! Imitate the disciples & Loyal to the Cross!

1. servant vs steward (v.1-5) How others judge us, how we judge ourselves matters not! Do care how God judges you!

2. king vs captive (v.6-13) Afflictions polish us to become humble & proper! Let’s put up a good show before God, man & angels!

3. parent vs child (v.14-21) Throughout our life , God sends His angels to discipline us like a father does to his child! Trust & obey!

* Cally, our niece whom we well love, attended yesterday, for the first time, the gospel meeting “Invest on the Eternal”. She stood to confirm her faith & accepted the Lord. Pls pray that her faith be fortified, that she learns more about Christ in college life . Our thanks to God, our thanks to you all! — Sam K. & J (HK)

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 4 (New King James Version)


* A bother needs help with a washing machine. The second hand machine he got 3 years ago breaks down recently & he cannot afford to buy new one. I am asking on his behalf, if you (in HK) plan on renewing your washer,& wish to give away the old one, pls contact me at to arrange. (We will take care of the transportation ) – From Bro. H.Y. LO

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