Filled in Spirit!

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I would like you to be free from concern….. (1 Corinthians 7 v.32a)

The Biblical View about Marriage – Knot once Tied, No way to Unknot! (1 Corinthians 7)

1. Normal to be married – If not gifted with the gift of remaining unmarried, one should marry!

2. Once being married – It is a vow established, no way for divorce!

3. Duty of all saints – Strive hardest to bring the unbelieving spouse to God’s salvation!

4. Tougher is life each day – If one is blessed with the gift of control over temptation, all the better to remain unmarried!

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 7 (New International Version)


*2000 years ago, our Lord Jesus sent us on the great mission to “Go unto the end of the world ……” At the time, world population only 2 billion. Today we have 60+ billion on earth, of which 20 billion as young as 15 or below. Out of these 20 billion youngsters, 1.6 are street gangsters, 0.1 are juvenile prostitutes. Let’s hold tight to the next 5 years – the critical opportunity to salvage the lost souls!

* “Thanks for sharing the story of Eric LIDDELL. God’s love has the power to change our human spirit, mind & thinking. Eric’s love was like sweeping fire, blessing the land & people of China…” — From Bro. Edwin, Toronto

* We just came back from U.K. where we spent a few days in the University of Edinburgh. There is a memorial statue of Eric LIDDEL in their library. I told our host that Eric was buried in Shanghai. — From Bro. Sam WONG (HK)

( In the Aug 21′s issue of HK Economic Journal ????, there is a remarkable writing on the touching stories of Eric LIDDELL. )

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