Be Bold & Confident!

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But the man who loves God is known by God. (v.3)

1. a God-loving man sacrifices all – God will not neglect him, God will not forget him.

2. a God-loving man is not an anti-intellectualist who only seeks spirituality and disregards rationality – He does not boast because of his knowledge. Instead, he recognizes his limitations, stands respectfully before the all-knowing Lord of all wisdom.

Anyone who loves God is known by God (i.e.- he has a profound & intimate relationship with God). It is love, not our wisdom nor intellect that takes us close to Him!

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 8 (New International Version)


* Among the 98 coutnries/regions interviewed by the World Values Survey, Danes come first in the Happy Planet Index, with people of Zimbabwe ???? last. China comes 54, HK is lower at 63 (rated the least happy in Asia). We call your prayer support for the 4 sessions of gospel we are preaching to the ‘unhappy city’ – coming Sat (8/30) & Sun (8/31). SKW & CWB halls of HK Island will meet together at TaiKoo Primary School, “Joyful Living” by Bro. Peter KOK ??.

* 6 gospel meetings last Saturday, e welcome another batch of new believers. Recommended helpful readings such as (Chinese Christian Mission) CCM Monthly ????, also Bro. Samuel CHING’s “Gospel Handbook of 118 Q&A” ( Chinese)

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