Christ, Our Passover!

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….Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch … (v.7a)

What can we do! The House of God is full of malice and wickedness!

1. Grieve over our sins (v.1-2)

2. Deal with our sins (v.3-5)

3. Get rid of our sins (v.6-13)

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5 (New International Version)


* Glad tidings! – I am Man Yin. I am overjoyed to see my grandpa receive the Lord last Sunday. My grandpa is already 90 years old! Praise the Lord for allowing him the opportunity!
- Sister Annie NG (TKO, HK)

* POON Kwun Yuen ???, father of Sister POON Ching Ha ???, (HK) has been declining the Lord for many years. Recently, he became soft at heart , yielded to accept the Lord. He is now under therapy in Hospital. Let’s pray for his steadfastness in faith.

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