Love Suffers Long

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…Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. ( 1 Corinthians 13 v.12b)

Put our Gifts to Use in Love – Truth of the Cross:

1. Love expresses (v.4) – Are we patient, kind & lovable? Or proud , ill-treating others.

2. Love concerns (v.5-6) -Are we seekers of our own good? Or care more of our duties. Easily angered? Keep no records of wrongs of others? Rejoice in people’s success & deeds of kindness ?

3. Love perseveres (v.7) – Can we bear insults, abuse ? disappointment? Do we keep people’s wrongs undisclosed while correcting them in private? Trust in His faithfulness & benevolence, patiently wait for Him ? Trust in people’s virtue with positive view ? Do we have hope in everyone? Do we , like our Lord, bearing the unbearable ?

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 13


* A lady insisted on getting divorced .Her counselor suggested otherwise. “Since you hate him so much, why not spend 3 months to take revenge on him — Show extra good care for him , love more more , then divorce him! – this can hurt him deeper !.” Followed the advice, after 12 weeks , she realized that she could not separate from her husband anymore! Because of the change in her behavior, the husband’s love for her was rekindled, showing great affection for her. The Holy Spirit turns hatred into love & love conquers all!

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