Comfort Overflows!

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If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; … (II Corinthians 1v6a)

Footsteps of God’s Children – Emitting Strength Despite Weakness
1. Through understanding God our Father who fills us with grace & peace (v.1-2)
2. Through experiencing God our Father who comforts us (v.3-7)
3. Through trusting God our Father raises the dead & delivers us from deadly perils (v.8-11)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 1


* 10 gospel meetings – Aug, Church in HK, a total of 168 responded to altar call. Let’s remember them all in our prayers.

* Woman can hardly identify with what problems man faces. Recommend a book to brothers – “7 Seasons of the Man in Mirror” by Patrick MORLEY, ?????????. We pray that, dear brethrens, be still, find time to reflect & grow by establishing wise priorities in life.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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