Loving Jesus !

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My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. (I Corinthians 16v.24)

Way of the Cross – Be Blessed; To Bless; In the Blessing:
1. supply the needs of the Church in all places for God’s work – this is God’s blessing (v.1-9)
2. support God’s workers in all places with our all – this is God’s love (v.10-24)

Scripture of the Day: 1 Corinthians 16 (New King James Version)


* Father of Sister POON Ching Ha, HK (???) – KY POON (???) , a new believer , is in serious condition suffering pneumonia. Pls pray for him.

* Good news – Condition of young Sister NG (???) has been up & down since our prayer request in Aug.Two days ago, she resumed eating. Let’s pray for the Lord in protecting her & gain complete recovery.

* POON Sow Keng (???), whose greatest hit Lover’s Tears (?????) was very well known amongst local & overseas Chinese. She is launching onto a new stage in life as a Christian. Her testimony:

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