Love Unchanging!

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You show that you are a letter from Christ… (II Corinthians 3:3a)

Life of Triumph – Knowing Christ, Diffusing His Fragrance

1. True Christians carry divine aroma of Christ, — imparting positive influence that turns darkness into light, death into life. (v.2-17)

2. We are a letter from Christ, written with the Spirit of the living God — making known to everyone the virtue of Christ our Savior. (Ch 3:1-3)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 2 New International Version (NIV)


* Bro. LEE Ka Ki ??? , gifted in music , spent two months pondering over life in time of sickness, he concluded 4 things about life – 1. do what needs to be done, spend time with parents in particular, 2. refrain from things that would cause you to regret, 3. actively seek to understand the will of God in your life , 4. talk less, do more – lend a hand of love to help others . LEE has miraculously recovered from deadly sickness. Doctor diagnosed that he would lose his beautiful voice, he managed to lead a big choir in Aug., singing hymns of victory in praise of God!

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