Be Transformed!

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… and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (II Corinthians 3:17b)

Joy of a Minister of a New Covenant -
1. speak before God with sincerity (2:14-17)
2. serve & bear true Spirit of the living God ( 3:1-3)
3. bringing glory & righteousness which last (3:7-11)
4. with unveiled faces reflecting His glory, serving freely by the Spirit (3:12-18)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 3 New International Version (NIV)


*Bro. LEE Ka Ki ??? , a music talent . In one congregation where he led hymn singing, his 20-year-ago student came to greet him. She is a doctor & urged to give LEE medical consultation, leading to early detection of NPC (cancer in nasal region ???). God sends ‘angels’ to his aid – In fear , God guards him through angels such as the God loving Filipino helper who cares & prays for him tirelessly; a brother who drives him around places; his wife who earnestly pray to God in tears…

Do we strive to be God’s angel to help someone in need?

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