Praise or Disgrace! Shame or Fame!

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“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” ( II Corinthians 6:.18)

4 Seals that Mark “True Servant of God” (6:3-7:4)

1. Great endurance (6:3-10) – However tough & rough , despised by the world, still full of grace in Spirit.

2. Heart opened wide (6:11-13) Free in speaking, open & honest in love, not withholding the affection.

3. Separate from the unclean (6:14-7:1) Carries the yoke of the Lord , away from wickedness & darkness.

4. Harmony, Confidence & Joy (7:2-4) Hold others in heart, live or die with brothers & sisters in joy & peace!

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 6


* A Hui native ??in China ,witnessed the change of his friend from gambler into a gentleman, he & his family, more than 10 members turned to the Lord. When his wife had to go through a cesarean section to give birth to baby (whose fetus was off-center in the womb. ) The father came on his knees & pray in the ward. Soon the nurse came to inform – the fetus was back in position , now ready for a natural delivery. The father burst into tears. From then on, he was full of courage to share the gospel !

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