Abundant and Perpetual!

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You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion (II Corinthians 911a)

The Generous Giving of a Just Man
1. Give generously (v6) — to manifest God’s power and might
2. Give cheerfully (v7) — to convey God’s love and kindness

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 9


* on Oct 5 , new gospel magazine -. “Happy Man” ??? , an inspirational magazine for men Initial issue features Federick MA Si Hang ??? & his story of becoming fatherless at 10, — how his widowed mother raised a family of 3. The ups & downs as a Christian, later paved wa for him in serving th government of HK . Also recaps his005 speech to young talents based on the 7 attributes in men from the Bible. We call for prayers for the brothers who serve on editorial board . (“Happy Man” will be available in convenience stores.)

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