Humble yet Bold, Meek and Gentle!

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The weapons we fight with …. have divine power …. ( II Corinthians 10v4)

The Armour, Authority, Limit of a God’s Servant (v1-18)
1. Humble yet Bold, Meek & Gentle – Are we easily provoked? Are we indifferent to evil? (v1)
2. God’s Attestation Empowers – our effort worthless or bearing fruits in Christ? (v4-5)
3. Sole Source of Authority – Are we exercising authority only for building up His church? (v8)
4. Serve Within Limits that God Assigns – Are we serving dutifully with faith? (v13-16)
5. Passing the Test – Are we withstanding the tests the Lord gives us? (v18)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 10


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