Faithful Till Death!

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… God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” (v6b)

By His Grace We Call On — Abba , Father!

1. We, who are born of God – no matter how agonizing the world, forget not that our Heavenly Father listens & cares….

2. We, who are blessed of His grace – the Holy Spirit inside us comforts & leads, transforming us inside out to become heirs of God….

Scripture of the day:Galatians 4


* Severe persecutions in India recently, many brothers & sisters lost their lives, churches burnt. Extremists force Christian into forsaking Jesus Christ. For the past month, Ark Channel has been receiving calls for prayer & reports in text & photos of India’s condition. We now proposes
that saints from all over the world to pray with fasting today at noon. News on India –
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