Be Brave!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… Have pity on me, Lord <15:22>

Pray for your family and friends — unceasing faith :
1. with love (v.21-22) — the power of prayers origins from pure love. It is like a mother who cannot lose her daughter and wants to change the fate of the daughter! Do we have such feeling when we pray for others?
2. In Faith – Because of what we believe (v23-28) — sometimes we feel that God has denied our prayers; but don’t be discouraged. Cry to Him and tell Him our wants. He is waiting for requests from us!

* With peace from above, we can rejoice in the coming year — Brother Yip Tak Sang and Brother Samuel Ching are going to preach in — New Live, New Hope- gospel meetings. (30th and 31st Jan in HITEC at 3pm, HK time)
* Scientist Thomas Edison patented his 1040 items of his invention. There were more than 5000 times of unsuccessful tests before these 1040 of success. reporter asked him why he did not give up when he encountered failure. His reply was that every time he ruled a factor for failure, he’s closer to success. Wish you more success — and draw closer to Jesus!

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