Master’s Mind!

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For we are God’s workmanship, …(Ephesians 2v10a)

New Position, New Life – Hymn of a Glorious Church

1. Praise for His Grace (Eph. 1-3) – Ch 1: Praise of Glory, Prayer of Grace; Ch 2: God’s workmanship : Ch 3: Paul prayed for strength

2. Respond to His Grace (Eph. 4-6) – Ch 4: Unity in Love, Mind Renewed, Self-forsaking & Forgiving; Ch 5: Honourable life ; Wise & Obedient; Ch 6 Army of God

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 2


* Little Bro. Kevin, fr Church in Sydney – His heart transplant in Melbourne was a success. Praise His miraculous curing Kevin from his initial condition of his heart functioning only at a fraction of one tenth. God listens& acts on the cry of His children! — Sister LUI, HK

*” Great pain in my left knee last week, almost immobilized. Although I consulted famous doctors, condition worsened, to a point that I gave up. Feeling helpless, my (Japanese) husband suggested that we prayed. It turned out I heard sound of relief in the knee joint, Hallelujah! They moved again”. — Cream and Shin, HK (pray for Sister Cream’s that she can come to church meeting again!)

* The 5 month old BB of Bro. Chi Ping (HK) was admitted into hospital , hit by a high fever.Your prayer requested!

* Commentaries on Ephesians in the Anchor Bible by Markus Barth- highly recommended

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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