Forever Free!

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for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. (Galatians 3 v27)

Baptised Into Chirst – Sing that Song of Freedom and Victory :

1. Status – God justifies us, we are sons of God through faith (v8,9,26) All saints, regardless of race, rank, wealth, wisdom, gender, are l one in His love.

2. Living – draw on the abundant grace of Jesus, obey the leading of the Spirit, giving glory to Abba Father!

3. Future – We are His heirs according to the promise (v29) We are co-heirs with Christ, sharing in glory of God! Share what Christ is, what Christ possesses, what Christ accomplishes!

Scripture of the day: Galatians 3


* George SWEETING, former president of Moody Bible Institute ,paid visit to an ill-tempered railway worker. The worker was very unfriendly, claiming that he would cast Sweeting out of his house. In return, Sweeting said gently “God loves you and so do I!” The worker broke into tears, repented in the Lord. He was never treated with such love by anyone ever , his heart softened . Let’s not be faint-hearted when dealing with the stiff-necked — simply love them!

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