Christ Is the Rock!

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His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known … (Ephesians 3v10)

God’s Plan So Glorious – In Christ, Through the Church (Ephesians 3)

1. God made His amazing wisdom known through His Creation – the sun explodes to give out energy, stars run on without losing track, birds migrate amazingly, dolphins gifted with streamlined body & sonar capability … what a miracle!

2. God made His manifold wisdom known through His Salvation – God accomplishes all through His power within us, His works on the cross , the church & in Christ throughout all generations

3. Christ is the mystery of God, the Church is the mystery of Christ – Cling to the church, stay with the “AntiCrime Group”, & be edified with the saints unto unity!

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 3


*HK Artist WONG Hoi Yan ??? was never happy before knowing Christ . Her parents divorced when she was 9, she quit school at P.2. But it was that TV drama “Broken Home” made her famous. She is now clear with her objective in life – Give glory to God, Serve faithfully in accomplishing the mission God entrusts her, live a life that pleases the Lord …. “Life is without hope if not having God!” she proclaims.

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