Be Still !

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making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5v16)

Making the Most Of Every Moment– Making the Most Out Of Life

1. walk and work in love, light and wisdom of God (5:1-21)

2. exhibit & express at home wisdom of God (5:22-6:9)


a. our life is an amazing journey in God !

b. God places us in a time tunnel – in a flash of moment – allowing us to grow in wisdom

c. how wicked & greed-filled is the world! True wisdom is to walk with God’ each day grow in church & seize to make the most of every opportunity for the Kingdom!

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 5


* My father, POON Kwun Yuen (???), received into the Lord on 9/22 , age 86. Praise the Lord for saving him after our 30+ years of prayer, he received Christ in Aug Funeral : Oct 11 (Sat) 12:30pm , HK Funeral Home , North Point. Pls pray for the meeting & more of the family can come to the Lord.Tks . — Sister Poon Ching Ha

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