Steadfast in Faith! Sustain in Him!

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Do not be anxious … but in everything, by prayer and petition, … present your requests to God. ( Philippians 4 v6)

Key to Joy – Heed Our Focus & Direction (Philippians 4)

1. in the ups & downs of life, always fix on THE RIGHT FOCUS — be watchful of the world in the Lord

2. admist distress & unjustice, walk in THE RIGHT DIRECTION– – confide to God, be strengthen in the Lord, be content in all circumstances

Scripture of the day: Philippians 4


* Pls pray for Mr. and Mrs. YU Ming, a couple from Taiwan. Mr. YU suffered brain damage in a car accident , lost big part of his memory. His therapist referred him to the church. When I asked them if they were Christian, the wife said “ummm, no!”. To my surprise, the husband looked at me with a big smile & said “We are!” Glory to God! Let’s remember YU Ming & wife in prayer. — Myra TONG, S. Carolina (US)

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