Shake & Heal This Land !

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“…you have been given fullness in Christ…” (Colossians 2v.10)

Hold Fast to the Life of Christ – Take Root & Build in Him
1. Do not be deceived from God’s mystery (v.4)
2. Do not be captivated away from Christ (v.8)
3. Do not be bound by religion & laws, losing the freedom in the Lord (v.16)
4. Do not be tricked by superstitious experiences (v.18)

Scripture of the day: Colossians 2


*Chinese magazines “Happy Man” , now available in convenient stores like 7-11. First issue of “Happy Man” profiles an interview with lawyer Oswald WONG (???)- how he turned from extra-marital love affairs,reading Romans & Matthew when at the verge of divorce, repenting in tears & becoming a follower of Christ

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