He Leads Me !

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… in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. ( I Thessalonians 1v6)

The Lord I Long For – Is Soon to Return!
1. different view about life (1:9-10) – we only serve the living true God, wait for the Lord

2. different view about value (2:19-20) – our life or death all lies with the well-being of fellowsaints

3. different view about morality (3:13) – strong & holy, we only strive to be shameless before God

4. different view about death (4:15-17) – our future – the dead in Christ will rise first when He returns; those live till the coming of Christ will be caught up together in the clouds to meet Him in the air

5. different view about spirit, soul & body as a whole (5:23) – God of peace sanctifies us , keeps us blameless at the coming of our Lord

Scripture of the day: 1 Thessalonians 1


* Fear not – Now a day our world is full of danger . Yet thousands of years the earth still revolving. God protects the earth with areosphere that holds off tons of asteroids every year. Underneath the areosphere, there is the stratosphere with ozone layer that holds off the harmful ulta-violet rays! Further down, there is the troposphere to diffuse the heat of the sun. Give thanks to God, that we have life to this day. Look up to Him more & downward at the earth less!

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