No More Sorrows! All Things Anew!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
..”Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.” (v5b)

Religions mixed with false Teaching! — The Lamb is the ultimate victor!

1. Beware of how religions mystify people’s hearts in the end times (v1-13) – Bible forewarns that religions will end up in a unification (Mystery, Babylon the great). Religions tightly connected with politics & authorities of the world. But in the latter 3.5 years, before the 7th angel blows the trumpet, all false religions will fall to their final destruction. (14:8)

2. Even the strongest power & wealth of the world have no influence over genuine faith – Trust & worship the True & Living God — in absolute & simple faith!

Scripture of the day: Revelation 17

Indepth commentary: Revelation 17


*- “Thanks to you all, dear saints around the world, for your prayers & blessings, which truly testify the love Christ. His compassion with sinners fill us with peace & joy even when we are walking through the valley of death. May all glory & praises to HIm !”
– from Steve LAW (HK), first day after operation / brain.

* Bro. Milton WAN Wai Yiu’s ??? “Striding Through Afflictions” ??????, a series of testimonies, passionate yet rational, touching & candid. A God-loving servant who suffers the loss of wife, severe ailment in daughter, takes us through his journey & reasoning of what happens to him! Highly recommended for all experienced loss of dear ones:

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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