No More Would We Part!

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… Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed. ( Rev16:15b)

As darkness deepens, afflictions befall – we need to guard our heart Godly & holy:

1. Be watchful at all times – When the world is corrupting to the utmost, the more we need to be alert in spirit

2. Keep our clothes – When man is selfish & ruthless, the more we need to put on the robe of righteousness, living out the virtue of the Lord.

Scripture of the day: Revelation 16

Indepth commentary: Revelation 16


* Bro Sam LAM (Singapore) sends his best regards to saints all around the world. His entire home is serving the Lord faithfully & in one accord. He wishes you all abundant blessings & full strength in Christ , serving with diligence in the kingdom of God.

* Sister HONG Juan Juan (???) (HK) – thanking all saints who tended her prayer support in her operation & recovery. LO Chung Wah is recovering from two operations on brain. let’s continue to pray for the family’s salvation. — fr Sister LU

*Young Sister HON Choy Kei (???) (HK), 15, has a successful pacemaker implant in her eart,
Let’s remember her , supporting her wish for her father’s complete salvation in Jesus.

*Praise the Lord for steady recovery of TAM Fung King (???) (HK) – from partial removal of her tongue due to cancer. She is resuming church meeting last Sunday. Great glory to the Triune God!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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