Sing the Song of Heaven!

Voice Divine Add comments

…. “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” (Rev 14:13b)

Heaven is not Silent! 11 mentions of Voice in Rev 14-16)

1. When history enters the latter half of the great tribulations!
2. When we have enough of the torture& trials in our life on earth!
3. When judgment is activated from all sides on earth!

Are we still faithfully following the Lamb! Now & here ?

Scripture of the day: Revelation 14

Indepth commentary: Revelation 14


* News from the mountains of Guang Xi ?? — ..many tests & trials in 08 ..,
thankful that God’s sufficient grace & your prayer support,! Next year, we will open up
an evangelistic community center, also build a hall… gospel meeting we held on
Dec 21 here attracted 180 students & parents, 80+ accepted Christ. Our 3 kids doing
well. Jehovahjireh! — Christmas, 08, Bro & Sister J & K, living with minority tribes, China

* News from Church in Toronto — Last week, 70+ people showed up to watch DVD of
Eric LIDDELL that testifies his martyrdom in the concentration camp. 2 major snow storms
hit Toronto within 3 days, snow as thick as 30cm. (Ark Channel’s Prayer: May the Lord
bless the church in Toronto,let the house of God stand in steadfastness.) — Alex, Toronto

* Steve LAW (HK), heart operation (brain )today (Dec 23) at 6pm. Our brother is a
follower of Christ for 3+ years. Let’s pray that grace be with his family & relatives.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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