Book of Life!

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And I saw a beast coming out of the sea….. (Rev13:1b) … Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. (Rev13:11a)

Two Beasts that Rampage! — If we do not follow the Lamb,…
1. The last three and a half years in history – First the great, fiery dragon.. the Satan, was cast
out to the earth, followed by two “wild beasts”, one coming out of the sea, the other out of the earth.

2. The beast out of the sea, the Anti Christ (v1-10) -He is, as prophesied, the the man of lawlessness, doomed to destruction. (2 Thes 2:3-12) He would make war against saints & conquer Every tribe, people, language & nation will worship the beast. (Rev 13:7-8)

3. The beast out of the earht, the false prophet (v11-18) – with power to inflame in disguise of religion, the world is perplexed & confused. The chosen race & saints will be attacked by two beasts. However, into captivity they will go as foretold in the prophecy. (Rev 13:10a)

Throughout the ages, the saints are exposed to very grave trials. Let’s refrain from hero worshiping. Make every effort to equip ourselves with His truth, maintain intimate fellowship with the Lord! — The only way to save ourselves!

Scripture of the day: Revelation 13

Indepth commentary: Revelation 13


*In the 3 gospel meetings for the Working group / Youth group last week ,( Church in HK),
174 accepted the Lord as Saviour! Glory to God! Hallelujah to our year-end harvest!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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