He Is King!

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… “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ .. (v15b)

The Two Faithful Witnesses in the End Times
1. Don’t lose hope no matter how harsh the present condition – the temple may be snatched by the AntiChrist , yet God has measured (= He owns) the temple, He will regain it in the end. Let’s charge forward by faith! (v1)

2. Don’t lose strength whilst the work is not yet accomplished – children of God may go through tribulations but it is only temporary. The evil cannot sustain. The victory of justice & true light is just ahead! (v3-12)

3. Don’t lose courage despite the current ordeal – Our labour & the temple on earth may be destroyed ,but the divine mission & temple in heaven will persist & prevail. (v10-19)

The seventh trumpet is last & final. He is King forever & ever!

Scripture of the day: Revelation 11

Indepth commentary: Revelation 11


* Sermons on the entire Book of Revelation- by famous pastor Paul SHEN (???), Mandarin/Cantonese: Click # 15 for Chapter 11: http://www.jdjys.com/vod/html/1077.html

* Dec 08 issue of the “Happy Man” magazine (HK) comes with free DVD on Nick VUJICIC NIck is born disable , but became a useful vessel of God, tours 24 countries, visiting prisons to tell his life inspiring stories to 2.4 million people. — In Him, Wilson L.

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